回复 :A murderous religious cult is way-laying travellers and stealing goods in nineteenth century India. As the disappearances mount and trade becomes difficult, the British East India Company is forced to act. But they give the job to an upper-class officer completely out-of-touch with the country rather than the obvious candidate who has been in India for years and well understands the people and culture.
回复 :艾伦·佩吉(Ellen Page)正在洽谈主演索尼哥伦比亚影业翻拍的1990年恐怖片《灵异空间》(Flatliners),该片又名《别闯阴阳界》或《脉搏探测器》,将由瑞典版《龙纹身的女孩》导演涅尔斯·阿登·欧普勒夫(Niels Arden Oplev)执导、《源代码》(Source Code)编剧本·瑞普利(Ben Ripley)改编。《灵异空间》讲述几个医学院的学生为了体验死后的感觉进行了一项大胆的试验:他们瞬间停止心脏跳动和大脑机能,达到临床死亡状态,然后很快恢复。试验成功了,但他们始终无法忘却那恐怖的濒死体验,而且有些东西似乎也随着他们死而复活来到了阳间。
回复 :影片改编自霍华德·卡普兰1977年的同名小说,故事讲述一位间谍潜伏在叙利亚,试图将化学武器科学家及其家人护送出大马士革。