回复 :四集的电视系列, 它将被设置在1986年墨西哥世界杯,Chris de Burgh 是音乐排行榜的第一和3.4亿人失业的英国。注视小孩Shaun的成长和环境This is England '86 is a follow up to Shane Meadows' Bafta award-winning movie, This is England. Shaun, is now getting ready to leave school where he faces an uncertain future. Woody and Lol are also getting ready to tie the knot.
回复 :《花的战争》以朝鲜古代为时代背景,讲述了残酷的封建制度下女性的苦难史,并以全方位地描绘提供了一幅古代韩国社会的风情画。影片女主人公吉礼的一生大致分为四个历史阶段:没落官家的小姐、年轻寡妇、官宦之家的下女、官家媳妇。但无论那个身份,悲惨的命运是始终如一的。封建社会对吉礼的残酷压榨集中表现在对她肉体的摧残上。在传统封建社会,儒教思想将“贞节”的大帽子扣在女子的头上,令其没有翻身余地,她们的灵与肉被彻底受控,当她们脱离这种控制时又会遭遇死亡的威胁。吉礼在性方面的自由主要体现在充当社会最底层的长工的妻子时期,当她重新进入官家时肉体再次受到摧残,甚至被曾经挚爱的丈夫亲手杀死。《花的战争》用一个缜密的故事和强烈的色彩冲击营造了女主人公凄艳的一生,并控诉了压迫女子精神与肉体双向自由的儒教糟粕思想。影片的批判精神在今天看来仍是可圈可点,具有很强的指导意义。(BD)
回复 :Alex wakes up to find herself back in 1983 where Gene Hunt is on the run after shooting her, three months previously. His unit is being run by none other than Ray! Meanwhile the rest of the unit in involved with the abduction of Dorothy, a young girl, on her way to school. To make matters worse a ransom is demanded by the kidnappers, and it's up to the team to find the culprits - fast.