中文字幕《红衣女郎(The Woman in Red)》的法国原版。
中文字幕《红衣女郎(The Woman in Red)》的法国原版。
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回复 :位于玻利维亚的乌尤尼盐原是全球最大的盐滩,放眼望去是一望无际的偌大白色平原。莫希斯与他的家人世世代代以採盐维生,他无法想像远离家乡到外地生活的日子,然而这个化外之地正面临巨大转变,政府决定建设试验工厂,开採电池的必备原料——锂矿,计划在未来扩大产能,生产单车和电动车电池。各国相继投资这个未来的新兴市场,期待蕴藏丰富锂矿的玻利维亚成为「21世纪的沙乌地阿拉伯」。几世纪以前,西班牙殖民者掏光了波托西里科山的银矿,让当地人一贫如洗,至此波利维亚开始重视财富与利润。莫希斯居住的城镇科尔查尼,附近兴建了国际机场,络绎不绝的旅客等不及一看究竟这个世界奇景,使得镇上旅游观光业兴盛。交通便利也导致盐的要价不如从前,莫希斯的哥哥从採盐人变成手工艺匠,他的妻子学习美髮,想要到大城市展开新生活。现代化看似带来富饶的未来,但莫希斯却因为必须改变原本的生活方式感到担忧。本片是一段充满诗意的旅程,透过採盐人莫希斯的双眼,探究如何在传统和发展之间寻找身分认同。
回复 :Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States by winning three key states, a victory engineered by an ultra-conservative faction that quietly mapped its way to power using fake news, lies and psychometrics. This explosive documentary follows the money to the reclusive multi-billionaire Robert Mercer who bought Breitbart News and funded the effort, while inserting Steve Bannon into the presidential campaign as its manager. Using data of millions of Americans acquired from Facebook, Google, banks, credit companies, social security and more, another Mercer company, Cambridge Analytica, used tactics honed during the UK's Brexit campaign to identify voters deemed "most neurotic or worried," whom they believed could swing for Trump. In the days before the election, using a little-known Facebook feature, "dark posts", they deployed highly manipulative and personalized messages, that could be seen only by the user before disappearing. In the darkness of the web, democracy was ...