回复 :车启英(朴诗妍 饰)是一名新闻主播,拥有着姣好面孔的她稳坐当家花旦的交椅,在事业上一帆风顺。然而,她的感情生活却是一片空白。车启英从小生活在破碎的家庭之中,早就丧失了对于婚姻和爱情的信任和渴望,她甚至觉得自己永远都不会想要结婚,也不想生孩子,婚姻对于她来说,不过就是一个会让人越陷越深的漩涡而已。朴泰然(鲁敏宇 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大少爷,从小就在母亲的溺爱之中过着衣食无忧的生活,这让的家庭环境让朴泰然的个性十分幼稚,简直如同孩子一般,但他英俊的外表又往往导致他身边桃花不断。这样两个八竿子打不到一起的人,在命运的指引之下相遇了。
回复 :This is a programme about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive side and unromantic take on parenting - not the cute and acceptable public face of motherhood.
回复 :Bobby is called to defend his close friend, Scott Wallace, who is accused of killing his wife, and becomes overly involved in the case. Helen is concerned Richard has crossed the line in the case, when a witness coached by him lies on the stand.