日前FX宣布续订旗下一年级新剧界桥谜案 The Bridge第二季13集,欧美第二季将在2014年播出。制片人表示,欧美第二季将描述一个完全不同的故事,应该不会有连环杀手了。虽然第一季的连环杀手案将在季终时被侦破,但它将彻底改变大多数主要角色的生活。
日前FX宣布续订旗下一年级新剧界桥谜案 The Bridge第二季13集,欧美第二季将在2014年播出。制片人表示,欧美第二季将描述一个完全不同的故事,应该不会有连环杀手了。虽然第一季的连环杀手案将在季终时被侦破,但它将彻底改变大多数主要角色的生活。
回复 :
回复 :think the show has potential.It has a good story line so far. It will be interesting to see the story progress as the season continues. I like the actors playing Krista and Marcus. They have nice chemistry.However, the actor playing Blade needs a little work. He's trying too hard to duplicate Wesley Snipes, making it difficult to understand his lines. Maybe he needs to enunciate or maybe it's just hard for him to speak with fangs...? Either way, he needs a speech coach.All in all it's a good show if you're a fan of vampire movies or Buffy/Angel type shows.Was the above comment useful to you?
回复 :ViuTV开拍新剧《i.SWIM》,以泳队为背景,由吴海昕(Sofiee)及港版「脸蛋天才」魏浚笙(Jeffrey)担正,Sofiee饰演剧中唯二的女角Miss翁、并负责带队出战。由于故事设定为男校,谈起Sofiee在剧中享齐人之福,她就自言其实好Man:「其实学校嘅戏充满血与泪,冇睇有几多男仔包围住我,而係睇佢哋付出几多坚持先游到终点,真係好青春、励志、感人!」Jeffrey在剧中饰演余浪冲,他自介道:「我係一个天才,同几位兄弟感觉好青春;所有嘢都冇乜所谓,唯有对住施咏(袁澧林饰)先好执着!」又大爆与文青女神袁澧林有亲密戏份。MIRROR成员吕爵安(Edan)及邱士缙(Stanley),两人在剧中饰演中学生兼游泳健将。