回复 :Living in Tiger Tail County, Mississippi, middle aged Archie Lee Meighan and nineteen year old Baby Doll Meighan née McCargo have been married for close to two years. Their marriage is not based on love, but each getting what they want from the other. Their marriage agreement has them consummating their marriage on her twentieth birthday, which is in three days, the act to which Baby Doll is not really looking forward. But she does taunt him and other men with her overt baby doll sexuality, the baby doll aspect which she fosters by sleeping in their house's nursery in a crib. Baby Doll's now deceased father allowed the marriage on the stipulation that Archie Lee provide Baby Doll financial security as displayed by the most resplendent house in the south. They currently live in a dilapidated mansion with her Aunt Rose Comfort, and although Archie Lee is making some renovations on it, he no longer has the financial means to make it what Baby Doll wants as his cotton ginning ... Written by Huggo
回复 :青年布雷特从肯萨斯州到纽约来谋业,却只能在一家国际贸易集团充当送信小弟,但也因此近水楼台听到了不少公司的内ddd。当一名高级主管职位出缺而没有补人时,布雷特干脆利用他的办公室擅自发号施令,成为隐身的主管,甚至引起老板娘对他垂涎。
回复 :在传说中的年代,黄金骑士团在斩妖除魔后留下了一百年后双月同蚀时,世间会出现如他们一般的英雄的预言。时光荏苒,莫恩王国有两位性格迥异的王子,王位继承者法拜斯(詹姆斯·弗兰科饰)英雄善战,深孚众望;二王子泰德斯(丹尼·麦克布耐德饰)则擅长搞砸任何任务,并且因长久以来人们对他的忽视而心生不满,满腹牢骚。法拜斯王子在讨伐邪恶法师“毒蜥”时救回了被常年囚禁的少女贝拉多娜(佐伊·丹斯切尔饰),并计划与后者成婚,毒蜥赶到婚礼现场将贝拉多娜掳走以完成生下巨龙的仪式。法拜斯带着颇不情愿的泰德斯踏上了二度救回贝拉多娜的征途,根据传说,取得独角兽之剑是他们战胜毒蜥的唯一机会。