回复 :Comedian Colin Quinn talks about American politics and how divided the country is.
回复 :《单挑求生高手》是个跳脱以往生存游戏形态的新节目,广邀世界上最顶尖的冒险家、生存好手及野外求生专家,对决以身为第一个步行亚马逊河全长而声名大噪的探险家艾德史塔福特。每集节目中,艾德将和各路生存好手在全亚洲最美丽却艰困的自然环境中一较高下,争夺「最快完赛」的头衔。过去,艾德已经领衔一系列类似且大受欢迎的探索频道节目,像是单独受困在荒岛上生活60天的《单挑荒野》,或是被丢到地球上各种险恶地点自生自灭的《单挑荒野绝境》。这次,他不但要生存,还要冒着死伤的危险并赌上他的名声,证明他是全世界最强的生存专家。
回复 :Join Ryan again in Season #3 on his most recent Extreme Treks series. Extreme Treks is part adventure, part exploration and part education. The best way to understand and respect the world around us is to put yourself right in the path of Mother Nature. Episodes: Russia, Iceland, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Bolivia, Argentina, Jordan and Uganda.