那是1943年。Polkovnik Vishnevskiy接到来自政府的命令训练一组从事破坏活动的士兵,寻找以便阻止被称为"Eidelveis"的德军部队的行动。 并且此任务是一项最高机密。Vishnevskiy从少年中挑选了14-15岁为男孩训练。而他们都知道在完成任务后,寻找他们将会被除掉,因为他们都知道的太多而要被灭口。
那是1943年。Polkovnik Vishnevskiy接到来自政府的命令训练一组从事破坏活动的士兵,寻找以便阻止被称为"Eidelveis"的德军部队的行动。 并且此任务是一项最高机密。Vishnevskiy从少年中挑选了14-15岁为男孩训练。而他们都知道在完成任务后,寻找他们将会被除掉,因为他们都知道的太多而要被灭口。
回复 : Love True pushes the documentary genre further into new realms as it looks into the opposing realities of the "True Love" fantasy. Does our view of love change as we grow older? How do we make decisions about our love lives? Is there such a thing as true love? Are there invisible partners in our relationships? Past ghosts of ourselves? The film's reenactments of significant past experiences and glimpses at possible futures, created with non-actors playing the characters' older and younger selves, encourage the couples to confront the realities of their hopes and memories, and the effect they have on their love lives.
回复 :到底她是冷血谋杀室友的变态狂,还是不幸捲入无尽梦魇的清纯留学生?Netflix 原创纪录片《阿曼达·诺克斯》探索一桩恶名昭彰、名列世界各地头条新闻的凶杀桉,导演为罗德·布雷赫斯特 (Rod Blackhurst)(作品《独自》(Here Alone) 荣获翠贝卡电影节观众大奖)和布莱恩·麦金 (Brian McGinn)(作品《主厨的餐桌》(Chef’s Table) 荣获 IDA 奖),製作人为米特·海德 (Mette Heide)(作品《印度的女儿》(India’s Daughter) 荣获皮博迪奖)。
回复 :David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she's only held once.