回复 :布洛克(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)除了是一名过气的拳击手,还是三个孩子的父亲。当他的拳击生涯走下坡路后,紧接着而来的是生活的拮据和入不敷出的家庭状况。幸好有贤惠美丽的妻子梅(芮妮·齐薇格 Renée Zellweger 饰)理解支持,她的从不埋怨和勤劳持家,令这个家庭不至于毫无生机。布洛克放下自尊去排队领取救济金,却挡不住严冬的即将来临,家里食物短缺,生存问题迫在眉睫。布洛克终于决定重上拳击台,这是他可以挽救家人的唯一办法。他的复出引来了民众的关注,成为了人们心中的平民英雄。他在比赛中英勇挥拳,为了男人的尊严,为了家人的生存。
回复 :An intimate portrait of one of the most explosive and compelling sporting icons of all time.A supernova in the world of tennis, as awe-inspiring as he could be explosive, John McEnroe’s combined 155 championship titles still ranks as the highest achievement in the Men’s Open era. But as Barney Douglas’s film shows, this is just one facet of the sport legend’s storied life. McEnroe features previously unseen footage, both from his games and his personal archive. It explores the demons that drove him, while colleagues and friends such as Billie Jean King, Bjorn Borg and Keith Richards, along with McEnroe’s wife Patty Smyth and their children, offer an intimate portrait of a singular, incendiary individual.
回复 :大内密探龙龙九(张家辉)被“剑圣”叶孤城(刘德华)要求代约“剑神”西门吹雪(郑伊健)于九月十五日在紫禁之巅禁宫太和殿上比剑,决出谁是世上剑法第一人。“剑神”“剑圣”比剑一事一号,马上震动武林,江湖中人皆以此为赌资,一时赌风弥漫。朝廷为免滋生事端,派出龙龙九及御妹金燕子(赵薇)共同阻止此次比剑事宜。金燕子对叶孤城向来倾慕,行动中忘了目的。而龙龙九查得正有一股神秘力量在策划大阴谋,正等九月十五日这个时机。