中文字幕As a silly frat boy prank, Young Sid is boiled in a tub of acid. Years later he returns to wreak havoc on the new generation of brothers in his old fraternity.
中文字幕As a silly frat boy prank, Young Sid is boiled in a tub of acid. Years later he returns to wreak havoc on the new generation of brothers in his old fraternity.
回复 :During a trip to Sicily in 1920, Luigi Pirandello meets Onofrio Principato and Sebastiano Vella, two actors rehearsing a new show with the actors of their amateur dramatics. This meeting brings great surprises.
回复 :Nora Ephron's autobiographical novel chronicling the breakup of her marriage to investigative journalist Carl Bernstein (ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN) is adapted for the big screen by director Mike Nichols and solidly acted by Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson. Rachel Samstat (Streep) is Ephron's stand-in, a New York food writer who falls for and marries Washington political columnist Mark Forman (Nicholson) despite her initial misgivings. And it isn't long before a second pregnancy, separate homes, and the return of Mark's womanizing places a strain on the marriage that results in a bitter divorce and inspires Rachel's cynical musings on the nature of love, sex, and relationships.
回复 :电影分为三个故事。《鬼屋》:小周(思维 饰)、小李(王钟 饰)和小王(刘陆华 饰)三人初生牛犊不怕虎,竟然决定到一间传闻闹鬼的屋子里待上一夜,哪知道正是这一夜,让他们的人生走上了无法逆转的悲剧道路。《白骨无情》:张松根(林伟图 饰)的母亲(红薇 饰)去世了,临死前,她告诉儿子自己会回到他身边陪伴他。果不其然,之后的每一天,张松根都能在家中看到母亲的鬼魂。《古之色狼》:书生宋礼和老管家结伴上京赶考,哪知道宋礼好色的习性不改,非要留宿于墓地之中期盼能够遇见美艳女鬼,可惜女鬼没遇到却遭到了一顿毒打。之后,宋礼又遇见了砍柴人,哪知道砍柴人貌似忠良无害,却是取人性命的僵尸。