欧美Documentary about several survivors of the Boston Marathon Bombing which took place April 15, 2013.
欧美Documentary about several survivors of the Boston Marathon Bombing which took place April 15, 2013.
回复 :令人窒息的黑夜,一名女子高中生惨遭数名男子劫持杀害。时间过了一年,衣冠楚楚的吴贤和女友在餐厅约会吃饭,虽然对方一个劲儿打听他的工作,但他顾左右而言他,绝不提起一个字。夜幕降临,送走女友后的吴贤正准备开车回家,谁知却被两个全副武装的军人模样男子绑架。他被押到一处阴森恐怖的所在,一番刑讯逼供之后,他承认了去年5月9日所犯下的罪行。不久之后,名叫郑易世的男人被同一伙人马绑架,受尽屈辱之后他在车中开枪自杀。这伙人均由社会底层弱势群体组成,他们聚在一起,挨个狩猎审讯去年杀害了女孩的凶手,一步步逼向真凶。吴贤悄悄跟踪他们,发现了这些人的真实身份。两组失魂人马,一群彷徨之人,手持利刃彼此伤害……
回复 :U.S. Marine Richard “Mac” McKinney had planned to return home to Muncie, Indiana as a hero – in an American flag-draped coffin. But that didn’t happen. Instead, after 25 years of service, he returns alive and filled with an all-consuming rage. Still fueled by his desire to die for his country, he plans to bomb the local mosque. But when he comes face to face with the community of Afghan refugees and others of Muslim faith that he seeks to kill, his plan takes an unexpected turn.
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