回复 :For the Goodman family, Friday Night meijubar.net Dinner is just like Sunday lunch: just take two days away, add an extra course and you've pretty much got it.Adam and his brother Jonny view Friday night dinner as a necessary annoyance - necessary because they get fed, and annoying because, well, they have to spend the evening with Mum and Dad. It's not that Mum and Dad aren't wonderful. But Dad slugs ketchup straight from the bottle, Mum is obsessed with Masterchef, and Grandma likes to wear her new bikini around the house.
回复 :方正(郑浩南)是某环头的CID,为人义气正派,与同僚张伟(王书麟)合作无间。二人本想有番作为,无奈上司吕SIR为人奸诈,只命二人专责捉拿道友,原因是吸毒者多有案底,容易入罪,对此两人颇有微言,无奈纪律难违。 在一次捉拿道友过程中,方正与一名道友,同时亦是线人的成(刘江)为欢喜冤家。而另方面,一名女子周玲(杨羚),因父亲之故,几乎中途辍学,幸得正的帮助与鼓励,得以完成学业,玲因而对正产生好感。……
回复 :相传佛祖座下大鹏鸟私下凡间作恶,佛祖派遣使者追捕,与大鹏鸟展开惨烈恶斗。五百年后,一名男子负伤倒卧荒野,被小镇绣庄女工陆菁儿(简淑儿饰)救回,自此当上绣庄与染坊的小工。男子梦中巧遇高僧慧远,解开身世之谜,记起本名为李修缘(萧正楠饰),并与昔日好友方志朋(沈震轩饰)相认。修缘跟女捕快苏柔(汤洛雯饰)成为冤家,二人在连番斗气中暗生情愫,惟菁儿也向修缘表露心迹。