自媒体主编陈妙(周冬雨 饰)发布一篇爆款文章后,日韩意外收到当事人的求助,日韩并牵扯出一系列意想不到的事件。陈妙的合伙人何言(宋洋 饰),资本集团总裁岳鹏(袁弘 饰)陆续卷入其中,真相究竟为何,背后还有哪些秘密?一场以网络为载体的正义之战正在展开。
自媒体主编陈妙(周冬雨 饰)发布一篇爆款文章后,日韩意外收到当事人的求助,日韩并牵扯出一系列意想不到的事件。陈妙的合伙人何言(宋洋 饰),资本集团总裁岳鹏(袁弘 饰)陆续卷入其中,真相究竟为何,背后还有哪些秘密?一场以网络为载体的正义之战正在展开。
回复 :When the film begins, it is all over. “We know it’s terminal, and that’s all”, says Juliane of her mother Kerstin, who is in great pain and about to die aged just 64. Although the young doctor she consults acknowledges on a personal level that everyone has the right to manage their own death, he nonetheless reminds her that euthanasia is still illegal in Germany. This is even more the case at the Catholic hospice where Kerstin is staying. As relatives come to say goodbye to her mother and the emotions of memories mingle with the anticipation of grief, Juliane finds herself having to do battle with time – unbending, apathetic and monochrome – and this is superbly reflected in the convulsions of the handheld camera in wide shots.Based on personal experience, Jessica Krummacher’s second feature film vividly relates the painful story of losing a parent. There is no violence or morbidity, rather the director describes the most important of events via the smallest, most fragile of details – the exchanging of words, texts and tender gestures that remain with us and get under our skin.
回复 :《代号193》中将某人意识透过实验阶段的科技上传给另一人的“意识上传”,是寻找答案的关键。因角色可以进入大脑意识推动故事发展,萧力修修改剧本时研究大量心理学、多重人格的资料,并厘清片中“意识上传”的逻辑与叙事方法。电影里不同人的意识被上传到杨祐宁的身体里,因此他得扮演不同人的样貌。萧力修解释,“这比一个角色扮演多重人格分裂更复杂,因为还得要了解他接收到的意识来自怎样性格的人,让观众知道他已变成另一个角色。”女主角张榕容扮演个性坚强的脑科学博士,并有一个7岁的小孩。
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