回复 :霍启发(任贤齐饰)事业有成,收入不菲,却为女朋友一事而苦恼。他女友Rachel(徐子珊饰)甚为西化,着装开放暴露,正是见家长的大忌。父母催婚,为了让他们接受Rachel ,霍启发决定征选合约情人,带回老家。刘枣(范冰冰饰)是待业大学生,家境贫寒,应征成功令她开始了合约情人的身份。霍启发带她来到佛山老家,让她做尽令老人家失望之事。但刘枣和霍家关系竟越来越好,事情竟然往料想不到的方向发展。霍启发、Rachel和刘枣三人之间如何纠结?刘枣这个情人到底有多长的合约?
回复 :在神秘流浪汉的提示下,一名性格温顺的煎炸厨师发现了自己的超能力,并揭开了一个影响巨大的黑暗阴谋。
回复 :The dream of sending humans to Mars is closer than ever before. In fact, many scientists think that the first person to set foot on the Red Planet is alive today. But where should the first explorers visit when they get there?Horizon has gathered the world's leading experts on Mars and asked them: where would they go, if they got the chance - and what would they need to survive?Using incredible real images and data, Horizon brings these Martian landmarks to life, from vast plains to towering volcanoes and from deep valleys to hidden underground caverns. The programme will also show viewers where to land, where to live… and even where to hunt for traces of extra-terrestrial life.This is the ultimate traveller's guide to Mars.