回复 :A contemplative retiree, Germain, suddenly finds himself a widower at 75. He doesn’t even have time to catch his breath before his family interferes in his daily life: constant visits and calls, pre-arranged meals... His life becomes timed like a Swiss watch! But Germain’s mind is elsewhere. Honoring a promise made to his wife, he is propelled into the heart of a contemporary dance creation...
回复 :题目出自"犹大为了三十枚银币出卖耶稣"的故事。本剧讲述被驱逐的Vergara神父,他是一名驱魔人、拳击手、前科犯,住在西班牙一个偏僻的村庄里。想要销声匿迹的他,又被自己的恶魔找上门来。
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