春暖At wedding's day's eve the Andrea things many different lives he could have lived. All of them, in many different ways, brings him to his loved Laura
春暖At wedding's day's eve the Andrea things many different lives he could have lived. All of them, in many different ways, brings him to his loved Laura
回复 :马丁(罗伯特·雷德福 Robert Redford 饰)是一名计算机天才,20年前,他因为利用网络漏洞盗用公款而受到了警方的通缉,如今,他早已经金盆洗手改邪归正,和四个朋友成立了一家电脑公司。某日,国安局的探员找到了马丁,希望马丁能够参与到一场行动中,盗取由编程专家戈登(蒂莫西·布斯菲尔德 Timothy Busfield 饰)所发明出来的解码器——黑盒子,传说中,世界上没有任何一个密码能够逃脱的了被黑盒子破解的命运。在国安局的威逼利诱之下,马丁一行人只得接下了这个任务,并且顺利的取得了解码器,哪知道第二天,报纸上就登出了戈登被谋杀的新闻。
回复 :比阿特丽斯是一个胡话连篇的人,自称是一个与世界各国的大咖有密切往来并有亿万财产的伯爵夫人。唐纳特拉是一个安静的纹有纹身的女人,禁锢在自己的神秘里无法自拔。她们都是精神病人,在精神病院里遭受软禁。保罗维尔奇这部新片讲述了她们之间出乎意料的友谊,和在逃离精神病院的冒险过程中这两个疯子不断在这个露天的所谓正常人的世界里寻求乐趣和爱的故事
回复 :The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in a world meant for all.