香蕉Lucio, a prestigious university professor of literature, takes a course at a school in the area where he grew up, in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. There he will try to help his father to save Dilan, a student hounded by a group of drug traffickers.
香蕉Lucio, a prestigious university professor of literature, takes a course at a school in the area where he grew up, in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. There he will try to help his father to save Dilan, a student hounded by a group of drug traffickers.
回复 :在奥利韦里奥的父母宣布离婚的那个晚上,他的父亲因动脉瘤死亡。13岁的他责备他的母亲,责备自己。所有的行为都失去了意义,一切都没有了目的。现实就是,砰的一下,你就死了。为了抗议,奥利韦里奥决定永远不再从躺椅上移开,生命的延续被他带到了池边。朋友和家人给他送来食物,试图说服他离开;他的父亲的双胞胎叔叔莱姆斯来看望他,他是唯一没有试图劝服他的成年人;他的同学玛丽安娜也来了,她起初很不情愿地帮助奥利韦里奥做功课。虚无主义、失落感和内疚感使他的心理治疗师母亲莉莉着了魔。莉莉的新男友使她把责任归咎于自己,但她的内疚感以蟑螂大灾的形式表现了出来。在奥利韦里奥对静止不动的强烈追求中,他学会了原谅自己。他开始理解他已故父亲的心情,并开始与母亲沟通。最后,奥利韦里奥也坠入爱河,将躺椅和泳池抛之脑后。
回复 :A story of two sisters united since a very young age by a shared passion for song. But while Georgia starts a family and a successful singing career, Sadie jumps from drugs to adventure to alcohol ...and as they go their different ways, their old friendship seems forever lost...
回复 :发现了多个巧合的约阿希姆声称自己的前世是波斯尼亚的一名士兵。他和朋友们带上了摄像机,踏上一次探寻之旅。一行人在萨拉热窝寻找前世,也因此慢慢了解几十年前在这里发生的战争。在这部模糊纪实与虚构的独特影片中,历史的伤痕和个体记忆相互交织。